I am currently a postdoctoral researcher in quantum information theory at the University of Ottawa, working under the supervision of Anne Broadbent (team website).
I obtained my PhD in mathematics from the Unitersité Toulouse Paul sabatier at the Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse under the co-supervision of Clément Pellegrini and Ion Nechita (team website).
I previously obtained a Bachelor's and Master's degrees in theoretical computer science at the ENS de Lyon.

My area of research is quantum information theory. Recent areas of study are quantum entanglement, quantum cryptography, non-locality and representation theory with applications to quantum information.


  • 2024
    [arXiv] Monogamy of Nonlocal Games
    With David Cui and Arthur Mehta
  • 2023
    [arXiv] [QIP'24] Monogamy of highly symmetric states
    With Rene Allerstorfer, Matthias Christandl, Dmitry Grinko, Ion Nechita, Maris Ozols and Philip Verduyn Lunel
  • 2022
    [arXiv] [journal] The asymmetric quantum cloning region
    With Ion Nechita and Clément Pellegrini
  • 2021
    [arXiv] [journal] A geometrical description of the universal 1 → 2 asymmetric quantum cloning region
    With Ion Nechita and Clément Pellegrini


  • Monogamy of nonlocal games

    TIQ & TOQS group Seminar, Toulouse, France
    June 19, 2024
  • Monogamy of highly symmetric states

    QUASAR Group Seminar, Ottawa, Canada
    December 1, 2023
  • Monogamy of highly symmetric states

    Fall 2023 INTRIQ meeting, Bromont, Canada
    October 17, 2023
  • Universal asymmetric quantum cloning

    QuantAlps, Grenoble, France
    June 21, 2023
  • Universal asymmetric quantum cloning

    LaBRI, Bordeaux, France
    May 30, 2023
  • Introduction to quantum information theory

    PhD student seminar, Toulouse, France
    January 12, 2023
  • Universal asymmetric quantum cloning

    QuSoft, Amsterdam, Netherlands
    November 18, 2022
  • Asymmetric quantum cloning

    Colloque Franco-Roumain de Mathématiques, Toulouse, France
    September 02, 2022
  • A geometrical description of the 1 → 2 quantum cloning region

    QIFQT, Lyon, France
    June 30, 2022
  • Quantum Optimal Transport

    Quantum Information JC, Toulouse, France
    January 12, 2022
  • Quantum Machine Learning

    Quantum Information JC, Toulouse, France
    December 08, 2021
  • Introduction to the General probabilistic theories

    Quantum Information JC, Toulouse, France
    May 05 & May 26, 2021
  • Introduction to the ZX-calculus

    Quantum Information JC, Toulouse, France
    November 04, 2020
  • Optimal symmetric cloning of pure states

    Lyon Quantum Information, Lyon, France
    June 10, 2020


PhD thesis

[pdf] Asymmetric cloning in quantum information theory


Since starting my PhD at Paul Sabatier University and continuing as a postdoc at University of Ottawa, I have taught a variety of mathematics, physics, and computer science courses in different departments:

  • 2024
    PHY5390 - Gate based quantum computing
    Lecture - University of Ottawa
  • 2023
    Algèbre linéaire 1
    Practical work - Paul Sabatier University
  • 2022
    Algorithmique 1
    Practical work - Paul Sabatier University
  • 2022
    Programmation orientée objet 1
    Practical work - Paul Sabatier University
  • 2021
    Système 1
    Practical work - Paul Sabatier University
  • 2021
    Programmation, algorithmique
    Tutorial - Paul Sabatier University
  • 2021
    Systèmes à Évènements Discrets
    Practical work - Paul Sabatier University
  • 2021
    Système 2
    Practical work - Paul Sabatier University
  • 2020
    L1S1 Mathématiques
    Tutorial - Paul Sabatier University

denis.rochette @ uottawa • ca
University of Ottawa
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
STEM Complex, room 626
150 Louis-Pasteur Pvt, Ottawa
ON, Canada K1N 6N5